Wires for Hydro and Turbo Generators

NewGen manufactures insulated wires for large Hydro and Turbo generators used in power generation plants.

The requirements of high reliability, high RPM induced mechanical stresses and remote locations of Hydro power plants and other factors demand high quality of components especially the windings. We have proven expertise in meeting the stringent requirements of dielectric strength, mechanical properties suitable for forming coils and Roebel bars, assembly and handling.

Your benefits:

  • Fully annealed copper to avoid twists in case of long bars
  • Thin yet highly reliable insulation
  • Strand insulation with good mechanical properties to withstand transposing
  • Good dimensional stability and uniform insulation thickness across the length of the wire
  • Insulation class F (155 deg C) and higher as per requirements
  • Use of inorganic insulation materials such as mica and glass fiber

NewGen product offerings for large hydro and turbo generators